Portuguese language courses

Portuguese language courses

We offer the following course in Winter Semester 2024/2025.

Oferecemos o seguinte curso no semestre de inverno de 2024/2025.

Portuguese Level A1.1Open areaClose area

Teacher: Juliana Florentino

Information: This course is for beginners with no previous knowledge of Portuguese language. In this course, the goal is to communicate on a basic level in professional and daily situations.

Grammar topics: Present Simple, Present Continuous and Future with verb “ir”

Themes: Greetings, Everyday activities and routine, Numbers and Shopping, Family and describing people, Food and restaurants.

Course book: Oi, Brasil!, A1, Hueber.


Dates of the course: Thursdays 17:00 - 18:30.


This course will be online.


Certificate of achievement: In order to receive a certificate of achievement, students must attend classes regularly (compulsory attendance) and write an exam at the end of the course.


Fees: for students and unemployed 69€, TH Wildau employees/teaching staff 130€, others 160€

* Important note: Course fees received can only be refunded if TH Wildau does not run the course


Minimum number of participants: 6


Registration: Via Online-Formular, by 23. September 2024, including payment of the fee.


Bank account for payment:

Recipient: TH Wildau

Account no.: 3667 020 979 at MBS Potsdam (sort code: 160 500 00)

IBAN: DE74 1605 0000 3667 020 979


Reference: Portuguese A1.1 WiSe 24/25