Orientation Day for international students

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  5. Orientation Day for international students
06 Mar

Orientation Day for international students

Type of event: Information event
Venue: TH Wildau, House 13, Room 027
Organiser: International Office

The International Office welcomes all international students at TH Wildau. You are cordially invited to attend our Orientation Day for international students on March 6, 2023 starting at 09:30 in house 13, room 027.

The event will take place hybrid. You can also join via Webex

Just come by and join us, we look forward to meeting you!

Contact: Dipl.-Wirtsch.infor. (FH) Carolina Maria Winkler
Tel.: +49 3375 508 378
Email: carolina.winkler@th-wildau.de
House 13, Room 033